Image: Gene smiling wearing brimmed hat and scarf

Hello and welcome to the HarmonicaUK December newsletter 

This is the last newsletter of 2024, as we prepare for our 90th Anniversary year.

We're still buzzing from this year's festival, and we've been busy enlisting more help, finalising the artists for next year's festival, and listening to ideas from our members about ways to improve member and volunteer engagement and keep HarmonicaUK fun and informative.

We hold virtual coffee mornings every Friday at 11 AM GMT, where we discuss harmonicas and a variety of other topics. It's a wonderful opportunity to express your ideas.

This Saturday, December 7th, at  5pm GMT, Dave Hambley will host our open mic, a regular event on the first Saturday of each month. Come and join us in a friendly atmosphere, and you might even hear a seasonal tune or two.

Next Saturday, the 14th of  December, at 5pm GMT is a  Saturday Session members-only workshop with John Cook.  John, still basking in the glory of what might be our most successful festival auction ever, will answer questions and entertain you with his knowledge of harmonica tuning, maintenance and customisations.

The festival attendees responded well to our appeal for help, and we will soon announce some additions to our volunteer staff.  We can always use help in all teams and departments, including the production and management of the magazine, the website,  social media, and our events, so please reach out today by emailing  [email protected].

I would also like to point out that recent events have delayed our latest magazine, but it is in production and will be on your doorstep soon.

Call to Action
We're also launching a new initiative to get feedback from our members on improving our mission to support and promote the harmonica, harmonica music and musicians. Please take a few minutes to complete the Members Questionnaire

All the best,


Gene Myers, Chair

Image: Newsdesk header, Microphone and harmonicas on a wooden table

Newsdesk brings you a selection of items from the HarmonicaUK Newsdesk this month. Click "Read more..." to read the full news item.

FREE Harmonica Lesson with Joe Powers for HarmonicaUK Members
As a thank you to HarmonicaUK for helping me secure a Global Talent visa, Joe Powers is offering a FREE 25-minute harmonica lesson this December. This offer is exclusively for HarmonicaUK members. Read more...

Festive Cheer with Free Tabs & Christmas Lessons
Liam Ward has Christmas lessons and tabs to share. Read more...

New ‘Masters of Rhythm’ series coming soon!
Ed Hopwood - of 'Harmonica Barge' fame - has created some video lessons with a focus on rhythm, comping and phrasing, themed around particular players, to help you to take your rhythmic playing to the next level. Read more...

World Harmonica Festival 2025 Germany
SAVE THE DATE! Don’t miss the 10th World Harmonica Festival 2025! From October 29th to November 2nd you can visit concerts & exhibitions, join competitions & workshops and meet harmonica enthusiasts from all around the world in Trossingen, Germany. Read more...

Every Beatles song!
Liam Ward has put together the definitive guide to the harmonicas used on Beatles records, including the specific type of harmonica, the key and the position of each harp part. Read more...

Image: Events Header, hand holding up a harmonica

Events this month - Read more and Zoom links on our Events page…

Harmonica UK - Open Mic - Saturday 7th December 2024 5pm UK time
All levels, all styles, and a friendly atmosphere. You can also come and just listen in too. Details and link here.

HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 13th December 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.

Saturday Session - 14th December at 5pm UK time
For members only: Maintenance Workshop with John Cook. Details and link here.

HarmonicaUK Friday Coffee Morning - Friday 20th December 11am UK Time
Join us on Zoom every Friday Morning 11am UK time for a chat about harmonicas, music and more! Meeting ID: 999 3719 8697 and Passcode: 178801.

Image: HarmonicaUK Logo

Have you got a harmonica story? Upcoming gigs? Single or album release? 
Newsdesk can help spread the word for you with our members
Please contact us at [email protected]   
HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)

HarmonicaUK - Registered Charity no. 1131484 (England & Wales)
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